- In order to ensure the standards of teaching in Higher Secondary Course, the Kerala State Government have decided to conduct the State Eligibility Test for the candidates to be selected as Higher Secondary School Teachers and Non-Vocational Teachers in VHSE. A pass in the State Eligibility Test (SET) is stipulated as a mandatory requirement for appointment as Higher Secondary School Teachers in the State as per the Special Rules in force.
- The conduct of the SET examination is on the basis of the syllabus approved by the Board of Examinations. In 2002 the Government of Kerala entrusted the conduct of State Eligibility Test with the LBS Centre for Science and Technology.
- The test is conducted for 36 different subjects twice a year all over Kerala
- There shall be two papers for the SET examination. The duration of the Test shall be 120 minutes for each paper. Paper I is common for all candidates. It consists of two parts, Part (A) General Knowledge and Part (B) Aptitude in Teaching. Paper I with 60 questions each for Part A and Part B. Each question shall carry one mark.
- Paper II shall be a test based on the subject of specialization of the candidate at the Post Graduate (PG) level. There shall be 120 questions carrying one mark each for the subjects under Paper II except for Mathematics and Statistics. For Mathematics and Statistics there shall be 80 questions carrying 1.5 marks each.
- The candidates who have acquired Master`s Degree in the Subjects concerned with not less than 50% marks or equivalent grade and B.Ed Degree in any discipline from any one of the Universities in Kerala or have acquired these qualifications from any other University recognized as equivalent there to are eligible to apply for the SET examination.
- For the subjects Anthropology, Commerce, Gandhian Studies, Geology, Home Science, Journalism, Music, Philosophy, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology and Statistics candidates need not acquire B.Ed. Degree for applying for the State Eligibility Test.
- Those who have acquired II class Master`s Degree in Communicative English with not less than 50% marks and B.Ed are eligible to appear for SET in English.
- Candidates who have acquired DLEd/LTTC in Arabic, Urdu and Hindi but do not have B.Ed Degree are eligible to apply for SET.
- Candidates who have acquired their Master`s Degree with the minimum required marks for eligibility to appear for SET and are undergoing the final year courses for B.Ed Degree are eligible to appear for the test. Similarly candidates who have acquired their B.Ed Degree and are undergoing the final year courses of their Post Graduate Programme are also eligible to appear for the test
- No age limit is prescribed for candidates appearing for the SET.
Requirement for Pass SET Examination
Apple B Academy, India’s First-rated virtual platform is here to help you to get your SET score and to make your dream your story. If you are not sure of what to study, we will guide you with step-by-step guidelines for your entrance examination.
Apple B provides SET coaching for the subjects Economics ,Commerce, English and General Paper so that you can easily catch your goal in this virtual platform.
Apple B caters your needs with
- Live Interactive Classes
- E-notes
- Previous Year Questions Solved
- Practice Question Papers